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Moderador del foro: TUCO  
PAZUZU - And All Was Silent...
TUCOFecha: Jueves, 2010-01-21, 8:54 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: EsparaelMetalTeaM
Mensajes: 718
Reputación: 28
Estatus: Offline

Album: And All Was Silent...
Year: 1994
Country: Österreich
Genre: Medieval Dark Ambient
Format: CD Rip/(APE + CUE + LOG + Covers)
Length: 54:01
Size: 274 Mb
Release: by Exelsus 2008 from Mexico


1. Prologue 00:26
2. And All Was Silent 05:51
3. Incantation of the Firegod 07:12
4. La Baronesse et le Dèmon 05:12
5. Baptism of Infant Flesh 03:38
6. The Urilia Abominaton 05:14
7. The Churning Seas of Absu 04:45
8. Beneath the Bowels of the Earth 02:19
9. Ask My Dying Soul 05:27
10. The Crusades 02:39
11. Der Mond ward der Erde neue Sonne 02:41
12. Invocation of the Ninib Gate 05:26
13. Forgotten Scrolls 02:18
14. Epilogue 00:53

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