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Moderador del foro: unica723  
Gabber Gabber Hey - Loud and Fast and acellerated
unica723Fecha: Domingo, 2010-04-18, 12:58 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 15967
Reputación: 121
Estatus: Offline
Gabber Gabber Hey - Loud and Fast and acellerated

1 - Store Bought Lies - Beat on the brat
2 - The Countdown - Chinese rock
3 - Dj?Acucrack - Rock & roll radio
4 - Schizoid - Now I wanna sniff some glue
5 - Iammynewt - Teenage lobotomy
6 - Diablo Syndrome - I wanna be sedated
7 - Kaput! - Commando
8 - Torrent Vaccine - Beat on the brat
9 - Defragmentation - Blitzkreig bop
10 - Emulsion Vs. Ahab - Wart hog
11 - Joolz - Rock & roll high school
12 - Boomer - The KKK took my baby away
13 - Parallax - Pinhead

Accesible sólo a usuarios

Archivos adjuntos: 5681174.jpg (24.6 Kb)

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