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Moderador del foro: unica723  
unica723Fecha: Lunes, 2013-01-07, 10:37 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 15967
Reputación: 121
Estatus: Offline

Miss Crazy's debut album, "Can't Get Enough", back in 2007 really rocked my world with it's attitude and the punchy glam/heavy/sleaze sound. Their music is a great mix of 80's, early 90's, heavy rock sound and their influences are from bands such as Def Leppard, AC/DC, Cinderellaand KISS among others.
You can figure it out that this band is influenced by Kiss when you see them!!! With their make-up covered faces you realize that this band has grown up with these legends of rock (KISS) and not only! Miss Crazy's next step was to release a second album in 2008 which was titled "II". In my humble opinion, their debut was far better than this one. "Freakshow" was Allen Christopher's (Miss Crazy's lead singer) next step with the participation of big names such as Tony Franklin and Jeff La Bar.

So, nowadays, Miss Crazy is back with its new effort with the title "Grip". "Make It Go Away" is the opening tune and man it's a great one! Pedal to the metal with this totally 80's hard rock song! A heavy in-your-face riff and Allen's powerful performances in front row!!! "Nothing Suits Me" and "True Blood" are both superb pieces of classic 80's Sunset Strip scene stuff!! "Higher" is heavier while "All About You" moves into some more melodic rock paths with its catchy chorus line.

Overall, this is an extremely interesting release from Miss Crazy!!! It includes some excellent tunes in it and it's a must have for every 80's, early 90's, hard rock/sleaze/glam freak out there!!!! Check it out!!!!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 8/10

Track List :
1. Make It Go Away
2. Nothing Suits Me
3. True Blood
4. Higher
5. Hail Bruce Lee
6. All About You
7. Kowing Me
8. Straight Till The End
9. Fear

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