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Moderador del foro: jarpomarx, -EkIkE-  
Lacrimosa - Live in Mexico City The Movie (2015)
unica723Fecha: Viernes, 2016-03-18, 9:30 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
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"Lacrimosa" is a duo led by German-born Tilo Wolff, the main composer, and Finnish Anne Nurmi,
currently based in Switzerland and founded in 1990. Lacrimosa was at the
beginning a solo project of Tilo Wolff and his musical genre originally
was neue deutsche todeskunst (New German Death Art). Between Satura and
Inferno, when Anne Nurmi (ex-Two Witches) joined a group, their music
style has shifted much more towards hard rock/(neo)progressive rock with
gothic influences. Their musical style mixes heavy metal and gothic
rock sounds along with violin, trumpet and more classical instruments,
although their musical development throughout the years has also led to
changes in instrumentation. Lacrimosa’s lyrics are written almost
exclusively in German, although since the 1995 album Inferno every album
has featured one or two songs in English, generally written by Anne
Nurmi. Finnish has also appeared in brief spoken intros to two songs
(Schakal on Inferno and The Turning Point on Elodia) and on a bonus
track in a limited edition release of Fassade. Their lyrics are mainly
about loneliness, sadness, darkness, despair and love.
All albums were released through Wolff’s own label Hall Of Sermon.

Track list:
01. Lacrimosa Theme 2:25
02. Ich bin der brennende Komet 7:08
03. Welcome to the show 0:45
04. Schakal 6:29
05. Alleine zu zweit 4:20
06. Alles Lüge 6:17
07. Not every pain hurts 5:26
08. Verloren 7:41
09. Ohne dich ist alles nichts 6:44
10. Weil du Hilfe brauchst 6:28
11. Apart 4:09
12. if the world stood still a day 4:10
13. Feuerzug I & II 5:47
14. Der Morgen danach 4:42
15. Irgendein Arsch ist immer unterwegs 6:13
16. Liebesspiel/Fassade 3. Satz 6:30
17. Rote Sinfonie 6:19
18. Revolution 6:48
19. Durch Nacht und Flut 4:22
20. Stolzes Herz 8:12
21. Feuer 4:40
22. Lichtgestalt 5:42
23. Copycat 5:25

Line Up:
Yenz Leonhardt : Bass
Tilo Wolff : Vocals, Keyboard, Trumpet
Jay P. : Guitar
Manne : Drums
Anne Nurmi : Vocals, Keyboard
Henrik Flyman : Guitar

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