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Moderador del foro: unica723, TUCO  
Moose Molten Metal Volume 2 (1986) Canada
unica723Fecha: Domingo, 2010-12-19, 5:02 PM | Mensaje # 1
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Moose Molten Metal Volume 2 (1986) Canada

"Moose Molten Metal Volume 2", was the second and final album in the short lived series of compilation albums designed to showcase Canadian Hard Rock and Heavy Metal talent.
Released in 1986, like it's predecessor it was issued by Capitol Records in the US and Canada, and by Heavy Metal America in Europe.
Here's a track by track dissection of the album by Keir from
HARLOT'S WEBB - Black Is The Nite
Excellent US Metal style similar to LEATHERWOLF or FIFTH ANGEL.
RISE - Lonely, Lonely
Unremarkable low quality Hair Metal.
HARLOTT - There For The Taking
Starts out with a promising Metal intro but soon changes to a simple Hard Rock beat, the result being something akin to DOKKEN.
Not bad at all really and the chorus has a nice melody.
READY TO RIP - Conquer Or Be Conquered
Well done but unoriginal Metal, sort of like one of ARMORED SAINT's more forgettable tracks.
Produced by Rick Santers of SANTERS..
NYTRIX - Don't Believe In Tomorrow
I think the singer was trying to sound like David Wayne a la “Gods of Wrath”, but I swear he’s a dead ringer for Tom Keifer from CINDERELLA.
The music on the other hand is actually quite doomy, fitting to the song title, and the guitar solo sounds a bit like something SCORPIONS might have done in the '70's.
It might sound confusing, but overall this is one of the best songs on the LP.
VIGILANTS - Coming Back On You
Totally unremarkable Hard Rock like a slightly heavier GREAT WHITE.
SENTINEL - Rock Free
Let’s see, it’s 2 years after the release of "Defenders Of The Faith", the band’s name is SENTINEL and the song is “Rock Free”.
Who do you think they sound like?
Actually, they're a bit sleazier than your typical JUDAS PRIEST clone.
SYE - You've Got The Power
Sort of a Canadian MOTORHEAD with occasional high pitched vocals thrown in.
I'm sure if they wrote this song earlier than 1986 Brian Slagel would've snagged them for his label.
It has that early Metal Blade sound all over it.
OUTRAGE - Until You Bleed In
Thrash Metal heavily inspired by TANK, and pretty good for what it is.
They also appeared on "Speed Metal Hell II".
If you enjoy this one and want to hear more, i posted volume 1 here a while back and a look through the archives should turn it up for your delectation.

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topekeFecha: Martes, 2010-12-21, 4:43 PM | Mensaje # 2
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No se si decir "lo siento, Jefa" o " Que gustazo me doy" biggrin :D pero te muevo este aporte a la sección de "Recopilatorios" wink

Ya de paso decir que es un buen aporte que nos da la oportunidad de conocer nuevas bandas de aquel país, en todos los países tiene que haber un gran número de nuenas bandas que no cuentan con la promoción y distribución necesarias para conocerlos en todo el mundo, así que ésta es una buena manera de darlos a conocer.

La diferencia entre la Genialidad y la Estupidez es que la Genialidad tiene límites.
unica723Fecha: Martes, 2010-12-21, 6:42 PM | Mensaje # 3
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jajajaj....como mola que la jefa , como dices tú, se equivoca biggrin

gracias por el gustazo que te has dado biggrin wink

topekeFecha: Martes, 2010-12-21, 7:19 PM | Mensaje # 4
Grupo: Usuarios
Mensajes: 760
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Estatus: Offline

La diferencia entre la Genialidad y la Estupidez es que la Genialidad tiene límites.
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