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Moderador del foro: unica723  
Armored Saint - Australian Tour Compilation 2009
unica723Fecha: Domingo, 2009-05-10, 9:57 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 15967
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Armored Saint - Australian Tour Compilation 2009

01. March Of The Saint (2001 version)
02. Reign of Fire
03. Last Train Home
04. Tribal Dance
05. Symbol Of Salvation
06. Hanging Judge
07. The Pillar
08. After Me, The Flood
09. Nervous Man (live)
10. Chemical Euphoria (live)
11. Lone Before I Die (live)
12. Can U Deliver (live)
13. Madhouse (live)

Genre(s): Traditional Metal
Lyrics: Life, Fantasy
Origin: United States of America (Los Angeles, California)
Year: 1982
Status: Active

First demo Demo, 1982
Armored Saint EP, 1983
March of the Saint Full-length, 1984
Take a Turn Single, 1985
Delirious Nomad Full-length, 1985
Long Before I Die Single, 1986
Isolation Single, 1987
Raising Fear Full-length, 1987
Can U Deliver Single, 1988
Saints Will Conquer Live album, 1988
1989 demo Demo, 1989
1990 demo Demo, 1990
Re-recorded demo with Jeff Duncan Demo, 1990
Tribal Dance studio outtake Demo, 1991
A Trip Thru Red Times Video/VHS, 1991
Symbol of Salvation Full-length, 1991
Revelation Full-length, 2000
Nod to the Old School Best of/Compilation, 2001
A Trip Thru Red Times 1982-1990 DVD, 2003
Lessons Not Well Learned 1991-2001 DVD, 2004
2009 Australian Tour Compilation Best of/Compilation, 2009

John Bush - Vocals (Anthrax, Joey Vera)
Jeff Duncan - Guitars (Odin, Bird of Prey, DC4)
Phil Sandoval - Guitars (Life After Death)
Joey Vera - Bass (Fates Warning, Engine (US), John Arch, Seven Witches, Jack Frost (US), OSI, Anthrax, Invasion)
Gonzalo "Gonzo" Sandoval - Drums (MX Machine, Jack Frost (US))

Dave Prichard (R.I.P. 27 November 1963 - 27 February 1990, leukemia)
Alan Barlam (on Symbol of Salvation demos) (Hellion (US))

Mike Williams (at the very beginning)

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