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SANTA CRUZ - Santa Cruz (2015)
ojotigreFecha: Domingo, 2015-11-01, 7:22 PM | Mensaje # 1
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SANTA CRUZ - Santa Cruz (2015)


I am sure this is an easy question for everyone who had the basic
education in the current Hard Rock / Metal scene; What do you get when
you add a young Finnish band and '80 Hard Rock? Indeed, the result reads
success and this was validated when SANTA CRUZ’s debut hit the stores in the of April 2013.
Following up their excellent debut, Santa Cruz returns with a tonne of
attitude and great tunes in their 2nd, self-titled effort to be released
next week.

A couple years ago these Finns took the stages by force delivering their
Hard Rock drawing inspiration from bands like Skid Row, Motley Crue and
alike. Of course the question is where a young band chooses to go after
having caused so much fuss with a debut release that has distinct
influences and I think there are two paths to follow: perfect the same
thing, or try to find a more original sound.
Santa Cruz has chosen the second road.
First of all, Santa Cruz deserve some credit for choosing to define
their own musical ID because there is always danger on it. And I guess
this is why they chose to use the band’s name as the album’s title to
state in a way ‘this is how we sound’.

Considering the classic Hard Rock style of the debut then the changes
should become pretty obvious with the album opener "Bonafide Heroes",
where you can hear a more ‘modern’ sonic approach. But don't be fooled,
the hooky melodies, the catchy choruses, the gang backing vocals are
still here. Just listen "My Remedy", even including cowbell, in the best
'80s Hair Metal tradition.
All songs are catchy as hell and it doesn't take much time to start
singing-along the "We Are The Ones To Fall" chorus, or just foot-tapping
following the groove of "Velvet Rope" and its nasty lyrics.

The sound is massive and is focused on the getting the beat going so you
can easily crank this up to get the blood flowing before getting out to
the Rock club of your choice. At the same time the layered production
pushes the guitar leads on the side for great effect.
There's a broken anthem in "Wasted & Wounded" (a highlight), then
"Let Them Burn" is a really heavy track propelled by a wall of riffs.
Love the vibrato here.

On "6(66) Feet Under" you get more of this new Santa Cruz approach with a
very modern yet addictive bridge / chorus, while on the other hand
"Vagabonds (Sing With Me)" proves that the band haven’t forgotten their
Sleaze influences although the heavier stuff during the faster break
(following the ‘2-3-4’ counting) is awesome (great guitar work again)
and I wouldn't mind at all seeing them going more 'heavy' in future
For the end, Santa Cruz tries to craft a 'different' type of ballad and I
think they succeed. It feels strange at first listen, but you'll love

Santa Cruz have definitely pulled a rabbit out of the hat with this
second release, something that, actually, is a necessity these days as
the strength and quality of releases from Scandinavian bands especially
in the Melodic Hard Rock genre does mean that to be noticed, a band has
to land an album full of killer tracks.
Thankfully the boys have delivered this in spades and the scene is all
the better for it. Santa Cruz deserve to play this to 80,000 screaming
fans in stadiums around the world, and with Motley shutting up shop
later this year, maybe there’s an opening to be filled?

If you’re still undecided, this album will appeal to fans of the harder,
earlier works of Skid Row, Dr. Feelgood era Motley Crue, Jettblack, the
first (and good) Crashdiet, Shotgun Messiah, and alike.
Highly Recommended.

01. Bonafide Heroes
02. Velvet Rope
03. My Remedy
04. 6(66) Feet Under
05. Bye Bye Babylon
06. We Are The Ones To Fall
07. Wasted & Wounded
08. Let Them Burn
09. Vagabonds (Sing With Me)
10. Can You Feel The Rain

Archie - Vocals, Guitar
Johnny - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Middy - Bass, Backing Vocals
Taz - Drums, Backing Vocals

Disponible sólo a los usuarios

MY NEW TRADE LIST-ABRIL 2016-DVDs-Blue RayS And more KISS!c0wGhKCK!PjmDCqhWUnBqyd6mZHezcg

Mensaje editado por ojotigre - Domingo, 2015-11-01, 7:29 PM
NACHOPIRATAFecha: Martes, 2015-11-03, 2:27 AM | Mensaje # 2
Arrastrao del metal
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darknoiseFecha: Viernes, 2015-11-13, 1:25 PM | Mensaje # 3
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estoy contigo,junto con revolution saints de lo mejor del año sin duda
ojotigreFecha: Sábado, 2015-11-14, 1:19 PM | Mensaje # 4
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Cita darknoise ()
estoy contigo,junto con revolution saints de lo mejor del año sin duda

El disco de Revolution Saints es muy bueno, pero la diferencia es muy clara, RS es una versón 2015 de Journey e incluso mejorada respecto a sus ultimos discos y SANTA CRUZ es sangre nueva de los paises Nordicos, puro Hard Rock , recordando la mejor época de los '80, pero sin imitar a nadie. A mi me encantan, son muy buenos y si siguen asi, se comen a Crazy Lixx, Crasdiet y todas esas bandas surgidas en los ulitmos años. Aqui os dejo un Show entero, con la presencia antes del concierto del gran Sebastian Bach.

Santa Cruz: Full Show - Breaking Band on AXS TV

MY NEW TRADE LIST-ABRIL 2016-DVDs-Blue RayS And more KISS!c0wGhKCK!PjmDCqhWUnBqyd6mZHezcg
saulmetal8Fecha: Domingo, 2015-11-15, 2:58 PM | Mensaje # 5
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