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Moderador del foro: unica723  
Backyard Babies - Them XX 2009
unica723Fecha: Viernes, 2010-01-08, 6:12 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 15967
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Backyard Babies - Them XX 2009


01.brand new hate [03:01]
02.minus celsius [03:36]
03.highlights [03:47]
04.degenerated [03:36]
05.electric suzy [03:16]
06.look at you [02:45]
07.abandon [04:17]
08.the mess age (how could i be so wrong) [03:29]
09.fill up this bad machine [03:11]
10.the clash [03:08]
11.friends [02:48]
12.dysfunctional professional [03:34]

CD2 driver (live) [03:52]
02.lies [04:50]
03.mommy\'s little monster [03:44]
04.teenagers from mars [03:11] track mind [02:41]
06.powderhead [03:32]
07.ghetto you [03:24]
08.wireless mind [04:09]
09.can\'t find the door [03:42]
10.backstabber [02:47]
11.gotta go! [02:05]
12.stars [02:29]
13.rocker (feat. michael monroe) [02:45]
14.babylon (feat. ginger & dj champain) [03:06]
15.(is it) still alright to smile?! [04:04]
16.p.o.p. [02:41] the phone [02:50]
18.three wise monkeys [02:55] (changes with you) [03:15]
20.jack the ripper [04:50]

CD3 samatary [03:29]
02.please! please! please! [03:07]
03.blackheart [02:52]
04.devil-may-care [03:11]
05.pretty ugly [03:32]
06.shut the fuck up [02:46]
07.big bad wolf [03:08]
08.say when (live) [02:37]
09.minormajor problem [04:57]
10.this is how the world ends [02:25]
11.shattered bonds [02:57]
12.dysfunctional proffesional glaumann mix radio edit) [02:57]
13.saved by the bell (piano version feat. dizzy reed) [03:52]
14.babylon (dit fo life remix) [03:17]
15.minus celsius (sheldster & player remix) [04:09]
16.dysfunctional proffesional [04:48]
(thomas rusiak remix feat. swingfly)
17.the mess age (greven & g sen.. [05:11]
18.fuck off and die (hard act 2.. [04:04]

Band: Backyard Babies
Album: Them XX
Genre: Hard Rock / Sleaze Rock
Year: 2009
Country: SWEDEN

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magomaFecha: Viernes, 2010-01-08, 7:53 PM | Mensaje # 2
Se engancha al metal
Grupo: Usuarios
Mensajes: 241
Reputación: 8
Estatus: Offline
me lo pillo membrillo cool
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