V8 Wankers — Got Beer? 2013 I have always considered myself to be very current about the state of bands in the Metal realm, however got to say that I’m a shamed that I
have never heard about these guys. It seems that they have been in the business for the past 13 years.
So like I asked before if you are into Chicks (or dicks it depends),
choppers, loud noise and of course Beer, you are in the right place,
else please try and find a ticket for the upcoming Lady Gaga concrete, you lame ass.1. Got Beer?
2. Bust In The Wind
3. Kick The Bucket
4. Long Spoon
5. Road Hog
6. The Enemy
7. Road Hog
8. Frankie’s Tiki Room
9. We’ll Fight Them All
10. Your Pretty Lady
11. Yeah She’s A Bitch
12. All Goes Down The Drain
13. She’s Nitro
14. Drowned In Tears
15. Why Lie I Want A Beer
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